Summit Ridge Community Church

Sundays: 9:30am Worship, 11:00am Summit Groups

  • Summit Ridge Community Church

    Join us online or in-person 9:30am Sundays

    We'd love to meet you!
  • We Value Grace

    We have all sinned, made poor choices, and generally made a mess of our lives. It is in those moments God offers us forgiveness and reconciliation and we seek to do the same. 

  • We Value Community

    We are created to be in community- to do life together. Together we worship, laugh, cry, give, serve, learn, and grow as followers of Jesus Christ.

  • We Value Serving

    Love is a verb and we desire not to simply tell the world that Jesus loves them, we want to show it.

  • We Value Generosity

    God is far more generous than we can imagine. All we have is because of God, and in return we will be generous with our time, talents, and resources.


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Upcoming Events

Our Story

Summit Ridge Community Church is an evangelical church located in NW Tucson. Our vision is to see every person's heart and every community changed by daring to share the love of Jesus Christ in tangible ways. Our mission is to Make Disciples who Serve Christ by Serving People. Summit Ridge began as a merger between two churches in 2019. We are a community of people dedicated to following Jesus. We are not perfect, nor do we have it all together, but we strive to be obedient to Jesus Christ. We are committed to doing life together, to encourage each other in following Jesus, and to worship our Savior in a gathered community called the church. We all are also in relationships with other churches not only in our area but around the country and the rest of the world through our affiliation with the Brethren Church headquartered in Ashland, Ohio.

Watch our latest Worship Service

Upcoming Events and News

January 2, 2025
For 2025, we are going to follow the Lectionary Calendar. A lectionary is an organized reading of scripture each week
January 2, 2025
We are excited to partner with Mennonite Disaster Service (MDS)! MDS seeks to restore hope for survivors of disasters. We do this by recruiting, organizing and empowering volunteers to repair and rebuild the homes of those impacted by disasters in Canada and the U.S.
By Summit Ridge January 2, 2025
Dear Mr. President- In January you will take the oath of office and have become our 47th president of the United States. In light of the bitter divisiveness and anger that our country is experiencing the duties and responsibilities that lie before you are especially daunting. I think being President must be a bit like being a pastor. As a pastor of over 20 years, I know two things: First, the responsibilities are way beyond me. And second, I cannot do this job alone. Therefore, I want to commit to you three specific things I will do as you lead our country for the next four years. I will pray for you. The Apostle Paul writes, “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession, and thanksgiving be made for all people—for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” (1 Timothy 2:1-2) You cannot do this job alone. You will not only need others to help you carry out your duties, but you will also need wisdom, power, and guidance beyond what will be provided around you. I believe in the power of prayer, and I commit to pray that you lead well and listen to and follow the wisdom of God. I will also pray for your family and your administration. Finally, I will pray that God will instill in you a servant’s heart and that you will be successful in bringing healing and peace to our fractured country. I will respect your authority . I will not agree with everything you do or with every policy you enact. Regardless, I will in the words of 1 Peter 2:17, “Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers, fear God, honor the emperor.” I will respect your authority as the leader of our country. And where I do disagree with you, I will do so respectfully and peacefully. I also commit to encouraging and leading those in my sphere of influence who may not agree with you to do the same. And as you work toward healing our nation, I commit to doing my part to bring about peace and unity. I will hold you accountable . The office you are about to assume comes with it not only great responsibility but also great accountability. You have committed to do many things during your time in office, but most importantly you have committed yourself to work to bring unity and to restore the soul of America. Not only will you be held accountable to God (Hebrews 13:17) for how you discharge the duties of your office and the commitments you have made, you will also be held accountable to the people you lead. Our form of government is built on the precious foundation of self-governance in which we have a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. As a voter, I have more than just a say, but a role, along with my fellow Americans, to help choose those who lead us, including you. I confess that I may at times fail in these commitments. I may put my politics before my theology. In those moments, I will repent and ask forgiveness and recommit myself to the commitments I have made. May God bless you as you lead and may God bless this country of ours. In Christ, Dan Acker Christ-Follower and Fellow Citizen of the United States of America

Planning Your Visit to Summit Ridge

At Summit Ridge Community Church, we feel that it's OUR responsibility to "clear the way" for you to come to church. We want you to be able to experience the inspirational music, encouraging messages, friendly people, and enjoyable atmosphere that are part of Summit Ridge Community Church.

What time are your worship services?

Our worship service is on Sundays at 9:30am. Service lasts for about 1 hour and 10 min., and our music is authentic and inter-generational, mostly modern contemporary. Following the service, we have Summit Groups for all ages at 11:00 am which meets for one hour.

Will I have to stand and introduce myself?

As our guest you will not be asked to say, sign, or do anything. We want you to feel comfortable, relax, and experience the service without worrying. Guests are always welcome. We all were guests at one time and remember that it can sometimes be an awkward experience. At Summit Ridge, we strive to make your visit with us as enjoyable as possible. In fact, we think you will want to invite your friends the next week!

How should I dress?

Don’t worry about what to wear. We’re more concerned about meeting your real-life needs. So, dress casually and enjoy our upbeat music and practical message from the Bible that deal with real-life issues.

Do you offer childcare?

Yes, we offer childcare during the worship service for infants and preschool and during Summit Groups. We also offer classes for children thru 5th grade during the worship service where they learn about Jesus in a safe and affirming environment.

Our Ministries

At Summit Ridge Community Church, we are driven by a simple mission; to make disciples who serve Christ by serving people. In pursuing this mission we are guided by our core values: Grace, Community, Generosity, and Serving as well as our affiliation with the Brethren Church headquartered in Ashland, Ohio. Our values, our mission, and our identity define what we do and the ministries we engage in.

Our Team

Calendar of Events

View upcoming events at Summit Ridge Community Church. For Information on reserving space or adding an event, please email us at



9:30am Worship Service


10am Women of Hope AA Group

6pm Men's AA Group


12pm Mixed AA Group


10am Women from the Heart AA group

5:30pm Awana


8am Sunrise Sobriety Group (Mixed)

6:30pm Young Adults: Summit Group




9:30am Worship Service

11am Summit Group


10am Women of Hope AA Group

6pm Men's AA Group


12pm Mixed AA Group


10am Women from the Heart AA group

5:30pm Awana

5:30pm Awana

Show all


8am Sunrise Sobriety Group (Mixed)

6:30pm Young Adults: Summit Group



Eunice Rhodes Celebration of Life


9:30am Worship Service

11am Summit Group


10am Women of Hope AA Group

6pm Men's AA Group


12pm Mixed AA Group


10am Women from the Heart AA group

5:30pm Awana

5:30pm Awana

Show all


8am Sunrise Sobriety Group (Mixed)

6:30pm Young Adults: Summit Group




9:30am Worship Service

11am Summit Group


10am Women of Hope AA Group

6pm Men's AA Group

6:30pm Executive Board: Executive Board Regular Meeting

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12pm Mixed AA Group


10am Women from the Heart AA group

5:30pm Awana

5:30pm Awana

Show all


8am Sunrise Sobriety Group (Mixed)

6:30pm Young Adults: Summit Group




9:30am Worship Service

11am Summit Group


10am Women of Hope AA Group

6pm Men's AA Group


12pm Mixed AA Group


10am Women from the Heart AA group

5:30pm Awana

5:30pm Awana

Show all


8am Sunrise Sobriety Group (Mixed)

6:30pm Young Adults: Summit Group




Support Summit Ridge

Our organization always appreciates the generosity and involvement of people like you, with every contribution going towards helping Summit Ridge Community Church fulfill its mission. ​ Online giving is a safe, quick, and really easy way to support the ministries of Summit Ridge Community Church. In just a few clicks of the mouse, you can complete your transaction. Using PayPal, your transaction will be secure and you don't have to have an account to use it! Summit Ridge Community Church is a qualified section 501(c)(3) organization. All tithes, offerings, or donations of any kind are tax-deductible under section 170(c)(2). Giving to Summit Ridge Community Church constitutes your agreement to relinquish control in accordance with IRS regulation.

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